AdScape Lawns
Laying your new lawn is the final piece to the puzzle.
With the correct subsoil underneath, newly laid turf will remain fresh and healthy.
When preparing the soil ready for the turf to be laid it is always a good idea to break up the soil structure by turning in a coarse grit sand.
The key to any good lawn is good drainage.
If you have a lot of moss, this is evidence of poor drainage due to either clay soil or buried compacted hardcore.
In most cases forking the ground heavily and opening the root structure will help the soil to dry out.
Raking in a generous layer of sharp sand into the voids helps to maintain a coarse free draining soil structure. Reapplication every autumn will continue to improve the soil each year.
Applying spring feed to your lawn will encourage top growth, but it is important to encourage root growth too, incase of a dry summer ahead.
With every new lawn we lay we offer a complimentary first cut. This gives us the opportunity to make sure the new lawn has rooted in properly and isn't cut too short.